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The life of a student.


Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Recently, we had a spectacular speaker at one of our commencement programs and we though to share an excerpt from her speech. Our guest speaker Ms. Ope Adebanjo delivered a very encouraging and insightful address.

"Being a student is a beautiful thing!

It gives you a pass to open your mind, open your heart, open your hands to all that life can give to you and ask of you. ……..true learning starts from within. Staying humble enough to admit when you don't know. Listening to the stories and experiences of the people around you ….. Learning how to move forward in the face of fear will be one of the greatest lessons you'll ever face. Consider it an absolutely necessary skill.

Besides the stress of finishing problem sets and papers, of choosing your major and finding time to have fun amidst the hard work of classes, you will face what I call the soul challenges. Finding friends and community to avoid loneliness and isolation. Staying true to yourself amidst the pressure of friends and societal expectations. Mental health challenges of being the only black kid, or only woman, Tears at night, on phone calls with mom or dad, or as you walk to class. Just wanting to talk to someone about the pain in the midst of all those privileges and opportunities. ….. Find someone to talk to, whether that's counseling services at your school or at home, friends and family who you can lean on for support, God in prayer, or just a journal to get those thoughts out…. . Connect with other students, professors, mentors, scholars, and friends. Embrace the academic community for its human side. And let those connections help you grow into the person you've always wanted to be.” Ms. Ope Adebanjo,

Pro Educators Plus Commencement Address 2022

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